Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What's happenin SOON!

Been a while since the last post. Just some info for you...
Starting Wednesday July 25th...

Thursday: PIZZA at Treasure Island Pizza. Starts at 5:00. Come by with the fam and have a ball.

Friday: Gross Games for the kids at Music Camp

Sunday: Evening Service Estherordinary Faith Musical from Music Camp

Wednesday August 1st: AWANA Celebration. Outdoor games that'll get you wet, gross and even grosser. Don't wear your AWANA STUFF!

Wednesday August 8th: First AWANA Club meeting. Come with all your AWANA ON.

Don't miss the opportunities for fun... but also don't miss the opportunities to teach your kids commitment. When you make the family commitment that Sunday is God's Day, and you make it a priority to be at Sunday School and Church, you teach a valuable lesson. No matter the circumstance "we serve God and worship." My Dad committed our family to organize our schedule around church. I'm a better man for it.