Tuesday, June 24, 2008

They do make me laugh... even at 6:30 AM

Yeah we got a bigger bunch at camp, a little harder to settle in and settle down, but by 12:30 they were pretty much passed out. They're all up now... some talking in a low sleepy voice, others all "YAY MORNING YAY CAMP." At this point I'm somewhere in the middle.

I awoke this morning at 6:30, well before my 6:50 alarm. (we have late breakfast, so we can afford a couple more winks in the morning). As I stumbled out of my room, I glared down the hallway... what did I see? A young man, fully dressed, back pack firmly on his shoulder, standing tall (all 4 feet), the sun beams passing by his roomate's heads (who are peering out the door) and illuminating him as he stands, heroic.. awake. I swear I heard the Superman theme playing softly. "Derrick?" I said, "Why are you up and dressed??" (I didn't say it as much as barely mumble it at the top of my 6:31 voice) "HE GOT UP THINKING IT WAS 7:30," said one of his sidekicks, still just poking their noggins out of the doorway. "I didn't know what time it was, so I got up and I'm ready to go!" said Derrick.

I laughed, quietly thanked God for the awesomness of kids, then told em to chill out. "DUDE, we coulda slept," came from the Dormroom of Justice as I walked down to the shower. They do make me laugh...

Addendum... 4 guys just walked in. I won't say who it was. I will if you ask me later. "DUDE MR. CHRIS, THIS PLACE IS HAUNTED." Sure that A) ghosts don't exist and B) they don't like mornings... I said, "What?" "I took this picture last night of 3 guys in our room," said Ghostbuster 1 "There's an arm from another guy in the picture I SWEAR." Ready to get my proton pack to capture the spectre, I gazed at the pic. Apparently Ghostbuster 4 had his arm around the shoulder of Ghostbuster 3 in the picture, a cover from the bed stuck out just a bit to hide his arm, just showing the hand. "SEE THERE'S ANOTHER PERSON IN THE ROOM." Said Ghostbuster 1 and 2. Now they're trying to prove there was no mystery green towel or cover or something to cover the arm... none are getting coffee this morning.

It's gonna be a fun day :-D


Unknown said...

In a day or so they won't be up that early, you'll be stirring them out. Have a great day!!

Unknown said...

Way to go Derrick!! We're so proud of you for being so anxious about your mission. Guess your mom forgot to tell Chris that you like to get up early??????
Cousin Katie and Aunt Lou