Saturday, June 30, 2007

Ok, something is missing....

Huh... no getting boys out of bed... no walk through muggy morning air to breakfast... no orange puppets... no chocolate milk... no eggs and bacon and grits and hashbrowns and biscuits and GRAVY!!... no quiet time in the garden... no OMC.

Must mean I'm not at camp.

Just reflecting on the week and how awesome they kids were. Just remembering how God spoke to them and helped them. How they learned so many truths in so many ways. How I learned how much I love God and how much I love his kids. Oh and I think Tater is the bomb.

See you guys Sunday. (I came to get Jake, Mel went to Matt's wedding. Jake said "DADDY! where mommy?" I got big hugs from my buddy)


Terri said...

Hey Chris it is pbj time there you go, there you go.
Luv ya,
9 Kerry

(p.s i miss centri-kid)