Friday, June 29, 2007

Pizza... i always forget...

Ok so I woke up the last day at camp at 5:00 AM. Why? Pizza at 10:00 PM. I get stupid when I see a pizza. By 7:30 we should be all packed up, yeah right. I feel like I'm back at college with a big exam coming up. Except this exam involves packing a cargo van, transporting 30+ people safely across the state, feeding them lunch, and then getting those rentals back.

It's been such an honor to hang out with these kids. They've learned so much this week. They've learned that God has plans for them. It's his declaration. Plans for their good and not their harm. He's given them a future and a hope. (Jer. 29:11) They've run a lap of their race this week. They're on the right track if they truly listened to their crew chiefs.

Parents, instead of just asking, "How was camp?" ask "What did God do in your life at camp?" I know that's out of your comfort zone sometimes. They'll tell you silly stories about Bucky and Coop and OMC and syrup and penguins and orange puppets (that's my fault) and ice cream and all that silly stuff along and along... that fun stuff sticks in the brain like TV jingles. And that's fine. The God stuff, what God planted in their life, it needs water and attention. God planted some great seeds: missions, call, purpose, forgiveness, faith, hope, future... Don't forget Pit Crew Parents, you gotta keep those racers focused.

See you all soon.


Mama W. said...

thanks, again, for taking the kids to Centri-Kid. "Fuge" was always great so I know "Kid" has been the same!

picturesofhisgrace said...

Thanks for taking our kids to camp. Hannah has already quoted Jeremiah 29:11 to me. We appreciate everything you guys do to help our kids grow in the Lord.

Terri said...

Thanks for taking the kids another year. Emily didn't want to leave. Cami told me God showed her that Christ is essential like water. I haven't talked to Kerry yet because when she got home she went to bed. It's Saturday morning and she's still asleep. I do know she had a great time and hates that this is her last year. Thanks again to all the leaders!!