Thursday, June 28, 2007

This is Ted... As Chris mentioned: today was OMC. I pulled the official photographer aside to make this photo of us so that there was proof that I actually do exist!! Here we are, the CREW CHIEFS in our glorious war paint. It was great that the adults got to participate in OMC also. Like yesterday, I only have time to upload just a few photographs. I will have all the images available soon, so be sure to check back--some of the best pictures have not been uploaded yet!

I have to go get my stuff packed. Tomorrow is going to be even more insanely early than this week has been. I also have to help get the kids packed. There's a lot of noise out in the hallway and I'm not sure how much packing is happening... but I also hear some of the boys singing one of the praise songs, "But I can't wait, to praise His name! I can't wait, to celebrate!"

This camp program can be summarized in two words: Content. Delivery.