Tuesday, June 26, 2007

We're sweating....

Ok, so the dry summer has turned humid on us. I thank God for that. Last night after the kids went to bed it rained a good rain here at camp. It's been cooler today, yes and humid. But, it feels like Georgia. I still don't understand that "dry heat" stuff... hot is hot.

Kids are having much fun. We have 2 in Archery. One in wiffle ball. I want to play wiffle ball. Tommy arrived today and helped me fix my forgetfulness. The kids are getting ready to get our group picture. We'll be all sweaty and looking fine for it.

We rocked out some fine breakfast and a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday for Melanie. (she wanted to hide) It's because most of the folks at breakfast sang with us... some looked at us funny. We're well known now at camp as the "peanut butter jelly time pleasant valley church folks." It's good to have a rep.

The kids are hearing the gospel presented all day. Pray many truly turn to Christ or rededicate themselves to day. Would you be a brave enough parent to pray "Dear God, if it's your will call my child into full time service" or "Dear God, if it's your will, help my kid sense your call to be a missionary"? Are you that brave?


Brian said...

Happy Birthday to Mel!